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Monday, July 26, 2010

You can now Vend at Beagle Bay

We've installed a soft drink vending machine just outside the shower houses. Which means, refreshments are available to you 24/7.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A sign of the NEW times

At long last, the day has arrived when we can say that passersby will know for sure they are looking at Beagle Bay RV Haven & Campground.
This day started early, with a wake-up call from the sign man at 6 a.m. (Is there really a 6 o'clock in the morning, too?) They had arrived, and it was time to put up the 12-foot x 12-foot vinyl sign that erases the final print evidence of the past at the park.

Earlier in the week the electric company had come out to shield the line, preventing any problems with electricity jumping from the line to the worker installing the nearby sign. We emerged from the house droopy-eyed, camera in hand, bringing the entire family of beagles with us.Peaches, our model for the photograph on the sign, didn't appear to be at all excited about seeing her image 20 feet in the air. She just preferred to take a nap under one of our many picnic tables.
But we were excited.In about an hour, the sign was up and the workers were on their way. But their work will be visible for years to come. So as you pass by on Interstate 44, take a peek over to the park to see the prettiest sign on the block.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby Bird Rescue

Try as we did, we missed a nest that was hiding in a cedar tree.

The weekend project was to trim out some of the trees that were encroaching on the campsites. Inspecting the trees carefully for nests is challenging. A well-hidden Mourning Dove nest was deep into the thick branches of a cedar and was missed.
Thankfully, the babies were noticed on the ground, huddled together. Momma was nearby, fretting about what to do.

Kayakers are staying with us this weekend who are avid animal lovers. When they returned from their float, we told them about the dilemma. Ben went into action, building a nest shelf and installing it in a nearby tree.Their nest was located in the cut-down cedar and placed on the nest shelf. The babies were carefully scooped up off the ground and returned to their nest.

Mom disappeared and we worried that she would not return. Dad sat by on a perch within sight of the nest shelf. We watched all evening and didn't see the parents return. We thought they wouldn't return.

How thrilling it was to find Momma Bird sitting on the nest this morning when we went out! Hallelujah.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Remodelling Under Way in Main Building

The lack of postings is due to losing our camera! Thankfully, a friend took some pictures of the construction for us and emailed them. Thanks, Rhonda!

First we are working on the banquet/meeting hall. The guys have constructed a new wall between the office and the side room.

They then ripped out the wall dividing the front and back meeting rooms to make one huge room. Its an awesome 30 x 70 room! We could put in a bowling alley if we wanted to!

A new doorway into the laundry room has been opened up so that guests can enter through the back and right into the laundry room. This will provide privacy for the group hosting an event, as well as make it a shorter trip for our guests when they are carrying those heavy laundry baskets.

At the north end of the hall, a 10' x 10' stage will be built to accommodate a DJ, band or speaker.

Lighting was selected today. We tried to combine functionality with ambiance. Hopefully we hit the mark.

I can't wait for the meeting room to be finished. It will be awesome.

Thank you to Jerry and his group of workers for their hard hours of work. (By the way, without air conditioning in the wrenching heat and humidity of the mid-west!)