I have been terribly neglectful of the blog. We have been so busy getting summer projects wrapped up. The Event Hall is open and we have had 2 dances held there already. It has been very exciting to see our hard work being enjoyed.
Our friends, Fran & Jerry worked so hard on the Event Hall. When they volunteered to work on it, little did they know that some of the bones of the building would have to be replaced. I think they are happy with the outcome. I know we are. It is a beautiful room that is suitable for wedding receptions, parties, reunions, meetings, dances or other social gatherings.
We've spent the last couple weeks trimming trees around the place. Trying to identify trees that could be potentially damaging during an ice or snow storm has been quite time consuming. Not having a bucket truck, we have had to be creative to reach some of the really high branches. Lets just say we went above and beyond the height of the ladder. :'\
On a more exciting note, I have finally been able to photograph one of the elusive ground hogs that we have here at Beagle Bay RV Haven & CG. I believe it is Junior, who was born here this spring, but it was hard to tell, because he/she ran quickly for cover when seen.