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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to Autumn

Autumn will be here tomorrow! Wow. Summer sure flew by fast. Looking back, the campground sure had some big changes this summer. It is looking SO much better. Here's a review:

The pool was renovated and opened in July. It was a very popular place to be during those 100+ degree days.
Having a working pool, inspired work on the fence as friends and family showed up to take down the old rickety privacy fence and put in a new white picket fence. So pretty! It really brightens up the place.
Goofy is hanging out in the office. Folks get a happy smile as they come in to the office for some Schwann's ice cream treats.
The raised flower bed in front of the office building had hundreds of blooms. It looks so much better than the prickly pear cactus that was there.
This walking stick is inspecting the new guttering on the east side of the office building. I think he approves.

We're not stopping the improvements just because summer is over. Stop by and see what's happening at Beagle Bay! See ya later.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Many changes over the summer

We have really changed the place over the summer. Folks arriving will notice the new pool fence, playground equipment, and a cleaned-up entryway. Stop by to see if you're in the area.
In order to rebuild, we must destroy..

We re-used the existing pickets on the old fence. ripping them off the framework, sawing them lengthwise, cutting them to the new height, putting little points on them, and giving them a fresh new coat of white paint. Dad's idea, and a good one! Very green to repurpose the old pickets, and very thrifty, too!
Dad and Rick working on the fence rebuild. Thank heavens for Dads!
Our dear friends John and Dana from Savannah, Missouri came to help.

Getting toward the end of the rebuild. This is the last side of the fence! Grandma Barbara came out to supervise. Don't lean back!Here's the pool, up and running, but before the rebuild of the fence.

The new playset. A used set, completely rehabbed by Dad and brother Lee. The tent cover was made by Mom. With good friends and family to help, we grow. Thank you all so much! It is a blessing to have you around.