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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We're all ready to gas you up!

Rick, Pam and Lee acquired their certification to dispense propane! So, we are ready to fill your BBQ grill tanks, your RV or camper tanks, or whatever propane tanks you have to get you going. Stop on by.

We are having trouble keeping enough quarters on hand to make change for the new washers and dryers. They've been very popular! Thankfully.

Wildlife report:

There is a momma Robin sitting on a nest across from site #1. Its in a redbud tree. She adorned her nest with a piece of white and blue string. Very fancy. I wanted to have a photo to share, but when I try, she flies off the nest, so I decided to stop bothering her.

The groundhogs have moved from the rock house and are now living beneath the grey house. One is really large, perhaps the male, and the other, quite a bit smaller, we presume to be the female of the pair. We have dubbed them Gus and Gertrude. Photos pending... They're pretty fast. When they see us, they run and hide.

Till later,

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